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Bernard Madoff defrauded $50 billion

On December 12, 2008 is situated at 15°59' of Scorpio. It is in conjunction at the degree of the Moon (15°02'), of the Sun (12°43') and at la cusp of the House XII (11°07'), that of offences and crimes. Bernard Madoff would use his reputation to divert 50 billions of dollars. He was the director of Nasdaq, the stock exchange for new technologies. He would be one of the world's biggest swindlers.
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End of the war in Iraq

The degree of the day has conjunctions with the Midheaven of SR, with the Part of Fortune (of SR) and with Venus (of SR). This astral energies give at this sector the Very Very Powerful force and the Very Beneficial quality. There is a transit of Saturn in Libra at the Midheaven. It is of Beneficial quality and Very Very Powerful force, in its sign of Exaltation. It heralds the relief of a major adversity.
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Wikileaks disclosed 90,000 confidential reports

On July 25, 2010 positions at 6°55' of Cancer. That is on the exact degree of native Mars. Mars has a Very Evil quality in Cancer. In the House VII, it represents the avowed enemies of the USA and the prosecutions. And effectively, appears a new enemy! The bad energy of Mars is confirmed by its transit of Evil quality in Virgo with a conjunction at the Midheaven.
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Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom

The degree of the year is at 8° 13' of Sagittarius into the House XI and jointed with the Midheaven. It has a very powerful force. Two and a half months before his twenty-sixth year, it announced the Mercury-Jupiter period. It dominates as master of the period and as governor of the degree of the year. It has a Beneficent quality in Aquarius...
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Indira Gandhi elected Prime Minister of India

On January 19, 1966 is situated at 4° 57' of Scorpio. This degree of the day is conjunct with the Part of Fortune and the House IV. It has a very powerful force. The degree of the year is at 5° 03' of Virgo. It has a powerful force by its conjunction with the Ascendant. He is also joint with Mars. The planetary period is that of Venus-Moon. The Moon powerful...
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Nelson Mandela purged 27 years in prison

The most powerful astral energies are those of the planetary period attributed to Mars. They are all Powerful forces, but Mars has the highest position, he gets domination. At its position, it means a judicial proceeding following a trip abroad without permission. This is one of the charges in his first trial. Saturn is the governor of the degree of Mars in Libra...
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Albert Einstein doctor honoris causa

The degree of the year is at 9° 57' of Leo. Its force is middle. The planetary period is Mars-Sun. The Sun is Beneficial quality by its conjunction with the Part of Fortune. Its force is Very Very Very Powerful (Midheaven and the Part of Fortune). The analogies: The Sun is the most powerful at the Midheaven therefore the main determinant of career and promotions. Venus is conjunct with the Sun and with the Midheaven. It is an omen of good luck for the year.
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Margaret Thatcher leader of the Conservative Party

February 11, 1975 is 29° of Virgo in House XI. It is united with the native Part of Fortune. Moon (of SR) united with the Part of Fortune (of SR) peak at the native Midheaven. These energies of the solar revolution double those of the native chart. The first round of the election was held on February 4 at four degrees of the Moon (SR). Two Moons united with both Parts of Fortune...
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Winston Churchill first command

The degree of the year is located at 0° 38' of Sagittarius in House II, conjunct with House III and Sun. It has a Powerful force and a Beneficent quality by its conjunction with Venus in Sagittarius that has a Beneficial quality in this sign of Fire. He announces the Moon period. She has a Middle quality in Leo and a Powerful force force because it is a nocturnal birth.
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Franklin Roosevelt made war against Japan

Noon the next day, December 8, 1941, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan. He signed the statement on the same day. The degree of the year is set to 5° 34' of Aries. It is a degree awarded to the Moon, Saturn and Venus. It has a Very Powerful force (Moon and House VII). At fifty-nine years and ten months, that is the period of Sun which is of Very Powerful force.
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Angela Merkel re-elected Federal Chancellor of Germany

This degree of the day is in House VII. It is conjunct the Part of Fortune which itself has conjunctions with Mercury, Jupiter, transit of Jupiter, the Sun and Uranus. The degree of the year is at 20° 53' of Aries which is conjunct with the House IV. It has a Powerful force (House IV). At fifty-nine years and two months, he announces the Jupiter- Moon period.
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Édith Piaf sang La Vie en rose

For her birthday on 19 December 1945 her lyricist Henri Contet offered at Edith Piaf the song La Vie en rose. She hesitated for
several months. The degree of the year is located in the same sector at 15° of Libra. It has a Powerful force in House XI. At thirty, it announces the Sun-Moon period. The Moon has a Very Powerful force in House VII, that of the contractual commitments.
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Adolf Hitler subdued Poland

The degree of the day is on the exact degree of the House VII, that of armed conflicts. This exact degree means also at day exact thanks to my system of dating! It is conjunct with the Sun, Mercury and also the transit of Saturn. Saturn has an Evil quality in Taurus. The planetary period Mars-Mercury is determinative of the war because one of the planets...
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Diana Princess of Wales, her wedding

The degree of the year (of the SR) positions on a degree of the Sun that is also the master of the period. In the birth chart, the Sun has four analogies with this marriage: By its nature, it represents the husband for a female birth. It is located in native House VII, that of the marriage. It is unites with native Mercury which is the governor of the native House VII.
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Nelson Mandela President of South Africa

April 27, 1994 is positioned at 12° 31' of Aries in House V. It is the point of convergence of Mars at its exact native degree (12° 35' of Libra). This degree is also jointed with the Part of Fortune and the transit of Mars in Aries. The year is positioned at 6° 04' of Cancer. This degree is conjunct with Jupiter and Pluto. It is located in House VII.          
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First World War United Kingdom

George V was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions, Emperor of India, who reigned at the time of the First World War. The degree of the year is set at 12° of Taurus. It has a Powerful force conjunct with Venus in Domicile in Taurus and also conjunct with Pluto and with Mercury. At forty-nine years and two months, he announces the period Saturn-Moon. .    Read this entry...

First World War Belgium

On Monday, August 3, 1914 at 7 30 am, Belgium responded negatively to the German ultimatum who demanded free passage for his troops to France. The First World War began the following day. The degree of the year is situated at 15° 22' Libra. It has a powerful force in the opposition of the natal position of the Sun. It announces the Mercury-Saturn period.    Read this entry...

Ronald Reagan cancer at 73

On September 03, 1984, Ronald Reagan was operated on for a cancerous polyp. He was 73 years old. The degree of the year is situated at 18° 02' of Capricorn. It has a Powerful force by its conjunct with the cusp of House VII. At seventy-three years and six months, he announces the Moon-Venus period. Venus has a Very Very Powerful force in Exaltation...   Read this entry...

Ronald Reagan a shot near the heart

On March 30, 1981 a crazy man fired six bullets against President Ronald Reagan on the street in Washington, 69 days after his inauguration. He received a bullet near of heart. The degree of the year is situated at 2° 35' of Capricorn. At seventy years and one month, he announces the Moon-Saturn period. Saturn has a Middle force at the end of the House XI.    Read this entry...

Ronald Reagan President of the United States

On 4 November 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected 40th President of the United States. The degree of the year is set to 0° 47' of Capricorn. It has a Very Powerful Force conjunct with the cusp of House VII and Mars in Exaltation in Capricorn. At sixty-nine years and nine months, he announces the Moon- Saturn period. Saturn has a Middle force at the end of the House XI.   Read this entry...

Ronald Reagan Governor of California

Ronald Reagan received the Republican nomination on June 7, 1966 and won the elections of Governor of California of November 8, 1966. The degree of the year is set to 27° 50' of Libra. It has a Feeble force at the end of the house V. At fifty-five years and nine months, he announces the Mercury-Moon period. The Moon has a Powerful force in Exaltation in Taurus.    Read this entry...

Nasdaq top (US theme)

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Nasdaq crash (US theme)

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Boris Yeltsin first President of Russia

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Margaret Thatcher mobilized her fleet to the Falklands

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American space shuttle

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Earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan

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End of the war in Iraq

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