
First World War France (Third Republic theme)

   Written by Daniel DAVAT in War or Peace

The First World War began on August 1, 1914 with Germany’s declaration of war against Russia. The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, and of his wife in Sarajevo by a Bosnian Serb nationalist, was the pretext that led the great powers into an all-out war. As a result of earlier unresolved rivalries, two major alliances were formed: the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. The Triple Entente regrouped France, the United Kingdom and Russia, who succeeded in resolving their differences thanks to the Franco-British agreements known as the Entente Cordiale, signed in 1904 and the Anglo-Russian Convention signed in 1907. In opposite stood up Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, which formed the Triple Alliance. Italy, initially allied with Germany chose neutrality then switched sides in 1915. The disagreements between countries found their origins in multiple regional or colonial antagonisms. Such as Alsace-Lorraine lost by France in 1870 in favor of Germany. France, England and Belgium extended their influence in Africa, leaving only little space for Germany which coveted Morocco that stayed under French influence. France gave territories in Cameroon and Congo at Germany in return for its agreement to formalize a French protectorate over Morocco in November 1911. Kaiser Wilhelm II, strength from his earlier military victories and successful of his industrialization, encouraged German nationalism and the militarization of his elites. He chose war to extend his influence.
On August 03, 1914, Germany declared war on France. Third Republic was more than 43 years old (Jupiter-Jupiter period, from September 4, 1913 to September 4, 1914).
The French Third Republic was constituted on September 4, 1870 at 5:15 p.m. following the defeat of the armies of Napoleon III and the occupation of France by Prussia. It was suspended upon the surrender of the French armies and the establishment of the Vichy regime, the government of the unoccupied zone, subdued to Nazi Germany, on July 10, 1940.
First World War France First World War France
  • In the Horoscope of Third Republic:
    On August 3, 1914 is set in 24° 37′ of Aquarius. This degree is of Middle force at the end of the First House.
    The degree of the year is located at 29° 31′ of Pisces. It is of Middle force also at the end of the First House. At forty-three years and ten months, it announces the Jupiter-Jupiter period. Jupiter is of Very Powerful force as governor of the Midheaven.

    First World War France – Analogies

    • Jupiter, ruler of the period, is of Middle quality in Detriment in Gemini. It is of Very Powerful force as governor of the Midheaven. Jupiter, of Middle quality, is in analogy with the injustices and the end of the prosperity that cause war. It is also governor of the House XI, that of friends or enemies. Transit of Saturn, conjunct with Jupiter, is of Evil quality in Gemini and confirms the vicissitudes and hardships. Of Evil quality in Sagittarius and in House XI, it represents the enemies of France. Its negative energy is amplified by Pluto, the god of hell and death. This configuration, Jupiter and Saturn of poor qualities with Pluto, announces enemies who declared war on France (Saturn at 27° 58′ of Gemini is into the exact degree of Mars at 27° 27′).
    • The degree of the year is positioned at 29° 31′ of Pisces. It is of Middle force. It is a degree awarded to Mars (27° 27′) by trine aspect. Mars is of Evil quality in Pisces. At its natal position, it is of Very Evil quality in Cancer (its sign of Detriment) conjunct the cusp of the House VII, that of war. It is the god of war in ancient times. In this horoscope, it is of doubly meaning of the war by its bad quality and its connection with the seventh House.
    • The degree of the day, at 24° 37′ of Aquarius, is at a degree assigned to Jupiter (23° 56′) also by trine aspect. It confirms the influence of Jupiter already present as master of the Period.
  • In the Solar Revolution of 1913 (SR 1913):
    On August 3, 1914 is positioned at 23° of Aquarius in natal First House and House VII of SR.
    The degree of year is set in 25° 26′ in Pisces in natal First House and in House VIII of SR.
    The planetary period is Jupiter-Jupiter.

    The plus of Solar Revolution

    • Valorization of Mars and the House VII, both determining factors of war:
      • Natal Mars, of Very Evil quality in Cancer is conjunct with the natal House VII;
      • House VII of SR is conjunct with the natal Ascendant;
      • Ascendant of SR into natal House VII;
      • Mars of SR conjunct with natal Jupiter, ruler of the period in Detriment in Gemini (the end of prosperity), conjunct with Saturn of SR (vicissitudes), Governor of the House VII of SR (that of wars) and conjunct with Pluto of SR (the god of hell);
      • The degree of the day at 23° of Aquarius, is into a degree awarded at Mars of SR (24° 32′);
      • The degree of the year, at 25° 26′ of Pisces, is into a degree under the influence of Mars of SR (24° 32′) and of natal Mars (27° 37′).
  • In this horoscope, the position of Mars conjunct with the natal House VII, of Very Evil quality at 27° 27′ of Cancer, indicates World War II. In fact, Mars is positioned after 70 years. 70 more 1870 (the year of constitution of the Third French Republic) is equal to 1940. The open war began with the German offensive against France on 10 May 1940, which put an end to the “phony war”. This new conflict would lead to the end of the Third Republic.

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