
Gordon Brown nationalized the eight largest banks

   Written by Daniel DAVAT in Finances

Gordon Brown, Prime minister of United Kingdom, decided to partially nationalize the eight largest British banks on 8 October 2008.

Gordon Brown nationalized the eight largest banks Gordon Brown nationalized the eight largest banks
  • In US Horoscope:
    On October 8, 2008 is situated at 11°38′ of Virgo. It is close to the degree of the Sun (12°43′). This position of the Sun in Virgo is in opposition with natal Saturn (22°31′ of Pisces) and with the transit of Uranus (19°42′ of Pisces). It also is in conjunction with natal Neptune (14°25′ of Virgo) and with the transit of Saturn (16°08′ of Virgo).

    Gordon Brown nationalized eight banks -Analogies

    1. The degree of the day is in the House IX, that of foreign.
    2. The degree of the Sun in Virgo is of Powerful force. It brings facts to light in the media.
    3. The two Saturns, of Evil quality in Pisces and Virgo close to the axis of the Houses IV/X confirms a real estate crisis (the House IV) and a bankruptcy (as governor of the House II, that of finance).
    4. Neptune, the god of seas into the House IX, is in analogy with the United Kingdom which ruled over seas for a long time.
  • In the Solar Revolution of 2008 (RS 2008):
    On Wednesday October 8, 2008 is situated at 11° of Virgo.

    The plus of the Solar Revolution

    1. The degree of the day is in the natal House IX, that of foreign.
    2. It is situated in the House V of SR, that of speculation.
    3. The degree of the Sun is of Powerful force in Virgo. It brings facts to light in the media.
    4. It is in opposition with natal Saturn close to the natal House IV, that of real estate. It is of Evil quality in Pisces.
    5. It also is in conjunction with Saturn (of SR) and Mars (of SR). They are the two governors of the natal House II, that of finance situated in Capricorn (18°41′). They are of Evil qualities in Virgo in the House IV of SR, that of real estate.
    6. Neptune, the god of seas in the natal House IX, indicates the United Kingdom which dominated the seas.

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